Learn to Repair Your Own Garage Door – Maine’s Finest

If properly done When done properly, garage doors can be easily fixed and will not have to be replaced. These are the five most frequent garage door problems that can be fixed.
Make sure that power is connected to the opener
The first thing you need to do if your garage door opener isn’t moving is make sure that there’s no obstructions on its tracks. If there is, attempt to clear the obstruction using a plunger or wire brush.
Verify that the sensor is rightly aligned
When the sensors aren’t aligned properly, the door won’t open or close properly. If you want to correct this attempt to adjust the sensor yourself or call a garage door repair specialist for expert diagnosis.
Verify that the Door is Off Track
If your tracks begin to bend or dirty, this can occur. Make sure to straighten them by hammering them or cleaning them.
The lowest point
There are a variety of things you can try to fix your garage door , if it’s not working properly. If the issue persists but it’s best to call an expert to fix it. 3d5bl1ibka.