How to Run a Successful Beachside Bed and Breakfast in Alaska – Bed & Breakfast Inn

These are the energy-related installations including commercial heating fuel, and the means of controlling them. Also, any renovations to elevators or additions to the elevator need to be documented.
Permits for Buildings, Fire Safety Permits and Fire Safety

Once you’ve met the conditions of the state, you can apply for a building permit. A plan review form and documentation should be included in the application for a building permit. The office of the fire marshal will review and calculate fees for plan review. This can take up to a few weeks. Every bedroom is required to have the fire alarm that is required by the legislation in the state. Carbon monoxide and smoke alarm monitors must be installed in every bedroom in the basement, as well as the kitchen. Furthermore, all bedrooms should have windows for escape. Other regulations call to have emergency lighting as well as escape signs, in addition to HVAC units. The rules applicable to bed and breakfast owners who don’t count as public accommodation must also apply.

Department of Environmental Conservation

Environmental health officials have set guidelines to ensure the safety of running of a breakfast and bed on the beaches of Alaska. This agency checks all food preparation and service facilities and also provides education. The public accommodations guidelines contain guidelines for landscaping, architecture as well as hygienic standards. For example, if your beachside property is smaller than 12 bedrooms. If you offer the continental breakfast option, or serve your guests an evening meal at no charge or cook them a meal, you’re only able to hosting 20 people at a time.

Local Government Requirements

When running a beachside breakfast or bed and breakfast establishment in Alaska ensure that any local laws pertain to the type of business you operate. In many states, including Alaska there are certain types of businesses that require permits, licenses or local building codes prior to being able to operate. If your company falls into those categories, then you’ll need to
