Can a 5 Year Old Go to a Concert? How to Plan an Outdoor Music Experience for Kindergarteners – Arts and Music PA


Organising a concert can be challenging and takes a lot of time. The requirements for these aspects vary based your location. The best thing to do is call the closest town or city council office and inquire how you can obtain permits and insurance to hold a live music event. Most likely, you’ll have to buy an umbrella insurance policy to cover liability. As an example, if a person stumbles over a loose cord and hurts their own body, then the blame would likely fall on your shoulders and not on the performers as well as the place. Before booking an establishment, they will usually request evidence of insurance.

You’ll also want to look into permits if the place or event is large enough. Permits will be required if the event or venue are going to serve food and drinks. These permits can vary from location to location.

Choose a date and time.

It’s now time to determine the date and time for the celebration. As you’re planning a musical celebration for children, it could be best to schedule the celebration on a weekend in the daylight hours. Weekend events are more sought-after because there will be smaller numbers of attendees. This is important because each child will require someone else to supervise them all the time. To avoid scheduling problems it is crucial that the event doesn’t be scheduled too late in the evening. You should also consider how weather might affect the location. If you’re considering an outdoor event, it’ll be important to pay very keen attention to the weather at this time of the year and make a backup plan to take care of the situation if the weather does not cooperate.

Pick the appropriate equipment

After you’ve found the ideal venue, and have hired the entertainment company, and paid the insurance premium, it’s an ideal time to rent or buy the necessary equipment for the event. It’s possible to lease or purchase temporary equipment in the event that you’re able to reserve VIP areas that are rented to high-paying customers.
